Empirical Research Interests:
Social movements, protest & civil disobedience
Political violence & radical politics
Revolution and social transformation
Repression & social conflict
Emotions and Affect in Politics
Middle East & North Africa
Political Islam
Methodological Interests:
Qualitative & multimethod research
Discourse & frame analysis
Event catalogues
Narrative analysis and lifecycle interviews
Visual analyses
Research ethics & safety
Dr. Jannis Julien Grimm is the Director of the Research Group Radical Spaces at the INTERACT Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research at Freie Universität Berlin and an associate researcher at the Institute for the Study of Protest and Social Movements (ipb) in Berlin. His work focuses on the dynamics of political violence and state repression, the condition and effects of radical politics and (non)violent resistance as well as transnational mobilization processes in response to violence. He holds a PhD in political science from the Berlin Graduate Muslim Cultures and Societies. After his doctoral studies, he served as a co-director of the SAFEResearch project at the University of Gothenburg to develop standards for the conduct of safe and ethical research in conflict contexts. Between 2019-2020, he served as Regional Coordinator of the FES Global Trade Union Project in the Middle East and North Africa. Other previous postings include the Orient Institute Istanbul, the COSMOS Center on Social Movement Studies at SNS Florence, the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics at Freie Universität Berlin, and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP Berlin.
Jannis Grimm is a member of the Berlin University Alliance’s forum on diplomatic resilience. He has conducted field research, amongst others in Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey and Qatar, and has worked as a consultant for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, the German Federal Foreign Office, and various human rights organizations, political foundations and social movements.
Jannis Grimm is the co-author of the handbook Safer Field Research in the Social Sciences, published by SAGE in 2020. His monograph Contested Legitimacies: Repression and Revolt in Post-Revolutionary Egypt was published by Amsterdam University Press in early 2022. His forthcoming book with UTB provides the first systematic textbook introduction to protest studies in German language.