
Colloquium Politics from Below

Research Colloquium

politics from below


About the colloquium

The Colloquium Politics from Below was created in 2011 by the DVPW Working Group on Social Movements and has been organized as a cooperative project by different institutions since then. At the moment, the colloquium is hosted by the Institute for Social Movement and Protest Studies Berlin (ipb) and the section "Social movements, technology and conflict" of Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft at TU Berlin.

It provides a space to discuss research projects, article drafts and manuscripts with a focus on collective political action. This includes the topics of political mobilization, protest, social movements, and revolutions. Contributions from neighboring disciplines are explicitly welcome. The colloquium intends to create a forum for peer exchange among the scattered researchers of politics from below and to provide a space for disciplinary discussion. The colloquium is also an opportunity to meet scholars with similar interests on a regular basis.


The colloquium currently takes place every other Monday at 16:00 CET via Zoom. Presented texts may be draft chapters or articles as well as research proposals. Alternative formats include short presentations or moderated discussions. The unmoderated discussion follows Chuck Tilly's rules of etiquette. The working language may vary from session to session and is indicated in the programme

If you want to take part, please register on our mailing list. To register, simply send an empty e-mail to: politicsfrombelow-subscribe@lists.riseup.net. For suggestions of texts for presentation, or for questions regarding the format and logistics, please contact me or Simon Teune. For more information about the colloquium and the current (and past) programs visit the colloquium's website.


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